What is a UPS?

An uninterruptible power supply (UPS) is a device that sits between an A/C outlet (i.e. a wall outlet or power strip) and an electronic device (such as a computer, server, or phone equipment) to prevent power disturbances (outages, sags, surges, spikes, noise, etc.) from affecting the performance and life of the electronic device and vital data.


How can a UPS help me?

A UPS contains batteries that provide backup power to your system in the event of a power outage to give you the time to safely save all open files and gracefully shutdown the system or even continue to work until normal power has been restored. Additionally, most UPSs regulate the power that comes from the original supply (i.e. the wall outlet). These functions offer several advantages

Business operations don’t stop because the power fails. Equipment isn’t damaged due to the stress of another hard start-up cycle.
Valuable data isn’t lost due to a user forgetting to save the file or if data had not been flushed from cache.

The UPS eliminates sags, surges, spikes, noise, and other electrical interference that can damage equipment and data or interrupt operations.

The UPS provides a “clean” source of power, eliminating noise that can cause interruptions in operations or data loss.


What are the different types of UPSs and how do they differ?

There are basically three types of UPSs: Standby, Line-interactive, and On-line

Standby: (sometimes called “off-line”) With this type of power supply, power comes directly from the A/C outlet until the voltage sags or the power fails. After the power sags or fails, a battery powered inverter almost immediately turns on to continue to supply you with power. Batteries are charged, as necessary, when direct A/C power is available. Even while power is coming directly from the A/C outlet, the UPS provides protection from voltage spikes and surges. Standby units are the low cost solution in the UPS family.

Line-interactive: Just like the standby units, line-interactive UPSs provide protection from spikes and surges, as well as supplying auxiliary power if a voltage sag or a blackout occurs. Unlike the standby units, line-interactive UPSs provide automatic voltage boost when the power dips, without accessing the batteries. This feature provides continuous lined conditioning, promotes longer battery life, and eliminates electronic “noise” that can cause minor application errors and loss of data.

On-line: On-line UPSs provide the highest quality of power protection by using a double-conversion technique. The UPS takes the incoming A/C power and recreates it by converting the voltage to D/C, then conditioning the power to eliminate noise, sags, or surges, and, finally, converting it back to A/C before it exists the UPS. Since the power runs continuously through the inverter, there is no transfer or switching time to battery mode in the event of a blackout.


How long can equipment keep running on a UPS?

There is no standard answer. There are UPS solutions available to support almost any application anywhere from five minutes to two days, the solution just depends on your application. Typically, you should plan on enough run time to allow you to save any open files and safely shutdown the system.


Why is Power Protection Necessary

Desktop computers, network file servers, telephone systems and other critical business equipment play a vital role in the day to day operations of most businesses and the reliable functioning of those systems depend on a clean uninterrupted supply of power.

In many cases, an uninterruptible power supply can be justified with simple arithmetic. Several hours of professional work can be lost due to a momentary brownout. This can crash a computer before the work can be saved to disk. Consequently, an organization can suffer expensive setbacks in terms of time and disruption. But, with an uninterruptible power supply in place, a brownout can pass unnoticed. Spending as little as a hundred dollars on power protection can buy complete protection and peace of mind.


Why is a UPS Now a Must on All Power Sensitive Equipment?

Power problems in most cases cannot be prevented or corrected due to the tremendous demand placed on the public utilities in our fast growing technological society. With utility de-regulation, power quality is expected to deteriorate even further. Power protection is the only answer.


What is an On-Line UPS?

The on-line UPS provides the highest quality of power protection by incorporating a double-conversion technique, whereby power coming in to the UPS is converted from AC to DC. Power is then conditioned and converted back to AC at the output of the UPS. There is no transfer or switching time since power actually runs through the battery system. By isolating the input from the output, on-line UPSs provide true sinewave power to attached equipment that is clean and free of any power anomalies.

Sincere solutions manufacture the Continuous Power series of on-line UPSs. Within this product line are units that include the following VA ratings:
500VA – 1KVA – 2KVA (220V only) – 3KVA – 5KVA – 7.5KVA – 10KVA – 15KVA -…..120KVA


What is a Line-interactive UPS?

The newest form of UPS is a line-interactive system, providing automatic voltage regulation when low voltage or high voltage conditions occur. Line-interactive UPSs fall between an on-line and stand-by in terms of cost and performance. This type of UPS tends to preserve battery life because it is not constantly switching to battery mode in areas plagued with brownouts. In a blackout situation, all Delta line-interactive UPSs switch to battery mode in less than 4 milliseconds. Additionally, line-interactive units provide protection from spikes and surges, plus RFI and EMI filtering.


What is a Stand-by UPS or Off-line UPS?

A stand-by UPS provides filtering and protection from spikes and surges, while “standing by” with batteries in the case of a low voltage, high voltage or blackout condition. If one of these conditions occurs, the inverter automatically switches to battery mode to condition the power.


What is Extended Runtime?

Few UPSs are intended to supply long-term power. Sincere solutions designs its systems to supply backup power for about 10-15 minutes at full load, as is standard in the industry. This is ample time to bring the system down safely, ensuring that all data is saved

The UPS leads the market in extended runtime, and is designed to allow the installation of additional battery packs, offering the potential for extended runtime. Our battery packs are designed to stack on top of each other. This eliminates bulky racks and makes efficient use of space.

With telephone and computer network equipment becomes more mission critical to both small and large businesses, 10 to 15 minutes of back-up time may simply not be enough. Many business owners and network administrators are seeking 30 minutes to 8 hours worth of back-up time. Surprisingly, several hours of runtime is considered inexpensive when compared to the cost of a phone system or a network being down during an extended power outage.



What is Power Monitoring Software?

Power monitoring and shutdown software is a recent technological advancement in the UPS marketplace. Delta UPSs has a option to incorporate a communications port for either shutdown, monitoring, or both.

Power monitoring and shutdown software was developed out of the need for more sophisticated capabilities from a UPS. File servers and multi-user computers are critical resources for businesses, and the personnel managing these networks must have control over every aspect of these systems.